A New Year Revolution

I say revolution, not for discord. Not for shaking up world institutions. But inner revolution. Bringing about our individual change.

Revolution means bringing about a sudden, and marked, change in something; bringing something back to it’s starting point. It is action.

Resolution is a formal opinion or decision for action to bring about change; it is intention.

Every year resolutions are made at the beginning of a new year. Intentions flourish but without action there is no revolution, no sudden change.

For long lasting positive change to occur we need to be willing to give up those things that get in our way.

We can’t expect to announce our intention and let that be the end. 

You want a more positive life, you practice the self- affirmations but still associate with the same soul sucking acquaintances. It is easier than being alone with your thoughts. Then, you are surprised when negativity rears its ugly head.

You want quiet, creative time – then quickly get dragged into the latest social media fantasy. Before you know it, the precious time you carved out is gone.

You may have announced your resolutions but you never started the revolution. Bringing change into your life means drawing a line in the sand and announcing, “This is my stopping point. This moment of choice is MY moment of change”. 

Be clear in your announcement, and ruthless in your change. Don’t waffle, don’t excuse. Don’t resolve your life. 

Revolutionize your life. 

Blessings to you!


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