Finding North
It’s no mistake that finding North assisted the ancients in their travels. I have often been fascinated by the ancients and their understanding of the celestial and the physical world. They understood mysteries without the aid of our technological advances. Yet, with all of our technology it would seem that we are more lost than they ever were.
Finding North has many different meanings. To find True North is to find a line on the surface of the Earth pointing to the geographical location of the North Pole. Magnetic North is the direction a compass points to the magnetic North Pole. Astronomical North is the route marked by the Celestial North Pole.
Studying these various methods of finding North, I can’t help but draw a comparison to decisions we make in our every day lives. We each seek answers to our questions. What decision should I make? What path should I follow? Travelling North can be achieved by following True, Magnetic, or Astronomical means. But the method you follow will put you in a physically different location. It may be close, but it won’t be exact.
This can also be said of finding our truest selves and leading the lives we were meant to live. Do we follow True North and follow the path that has been drawn out for us? We will reach our destination but is it our travel plan, or one that has been set for us?
Do we follow the magnetic pull that calls us to our destination? Or do we look to the heavens for the beacon that shines the light on our travel?
There are no wrong answers here and that perhaps is the conundrum of being human. We don’t plod through our days led solely by instinct. Instead, we plan, we choose, we win, and we falter. And for many of us we use the same method of travel even after many attempts of using the wrong guide.
Now is the time to let your truest self come to the surface. Allow yourself to be pulled to your destination. Don’t fight it, don’t push it aside. Give yourself permission to examine the ‘why’ of the direction. Give yourself time to find your North.
Blessings to you!
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