The Mind Grasps what it Needs to Hold On

Sometimes I have my most profound insights in a flash of unspoken words. The thoughts are brief, only a handful of words but the download into my core is paragraphs long.

Today was such a day.

I started this morning as usual: coffee, news, get ready for work, take the bus. But this morning felt different. I felt like I was watching me watch a movie. Predictably boring but it felt creepy.

Then on to the bus where I saw the regulars but again, I had the brief sensation that I was watching someone else\'s movie. And then suddenly profound sadness and just one thought:

The Mind grasps what it needs to hold on.

A brief thought. Just a few words but the  energy behind the words - the intention had me thinking all day long. I'm sure by now there's not one of us that hasn't been touched by addiction, unhealthy relationships, less than a stellar lifestyle, etc. In short, we've all experienced disappointment, in ourselves and our fellow human beings, at one time or another.

So why are some people able to forgive and move on, while others seem to hold onto their anger and betrayal.

Simply put, the mind holds what it needs to survive. The decision becomes what mind do you wish to live? Is it the mind of someone who has been betrayed? Or is it the mind of someone who has found peace in forgiveness. Is it the mind of someone who lives for the next score, the next fix? Or is it the mind of someone who is victorious and overcome all obstacles.

Every day we are blessed to be able to choose what Mind we live in. It's not always easy, but it is our choice. And it is a gift. Use it to become the best Mind you are. And then hold on to it.

Blessings to you my friend.


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