The Mind Grasps what it Needs to Hold On
Sometimes I have my most profound insights in a flash of unspoken words. The thoughts are brief, only a handful of words but the download into my core is paragraphs long. Today was such a day. I started this morning as usual: coffee, news, get ready for work, take the bus. But this morning felt different. I felt like I was watching me watch a movie. Predictably boring but it felt creepy. Then on to the bus where I saw the regulars but again, I had the brief sensation that I was watching someone else\'s movie. And then suddenly profound sadness and just one thought: The Mind grasps what it needs to hold on . A brief thought. Just a few words but the energy behind the words - the intention had me thinking all day long. I'm sure by now there's not one of us that hasn't been touched by addiction, unhealthy relationships, less than a stellar lifestyle, etc. In short, we've all experienced disappointment, in ourselves and our fellow human beings, at one time or another. ...