
Showing posts from August, 2017

Your Gift

I firmly believe that everyone has a talent. A gift that is theirs alone. One true meaning for their existence. Finding your talent doesn’t mean that suddenly everything falls into neat, successful piles. No, finding your talent means  now the work can begin.  You’ll know when you haven’t found your true gift. Every moment spent on a  new project may seem exciting at first, and it may hold your interest. For a time. And then it becomes commonplace, it loses its luster, and you soon begin to hate this new task. But when you find your true gift, every commonplace moment is a joy. Every new piece of knowledge is amazing, and you feel the joy long after the moment has passed. It’s the excitement you feel in your bones, your very cells come alive. And even though there is much work to be done to bring your gift to the surface, it feels like unwrapping a gift at every turn. And just like unwrapping a gift, there are layers to be shed before the prize can be held. There are old ...

Be Like the Trees

Too often we seek to emulate others; those we view as successful. We hold up the successes of a few as the ideal we should obtain. Consider instead, the trees. Deeply rooted in its surroundings while reaching ever higher. We do not expect a tree to grow after it has been ripped from its home. True, it can be transplanted, but we recognize that it is a terrible shock to a delicate system and we give extra care to promote a healthy root system. A level of care we neglect in a human counterpart. The trees recognize their symbiotic nature. It relies on our exhale, as we rely on its own breath. Its deep root structure allows it to share resources with other trees. It knows that it can not thrive alone. It becomes a haven, a home, for others. It asks nothing in return. It freely provides protection, without expectation. Trees do not expect to be anything other than what they are. The only time a tree changes form is when an outside force exerts its will. We could learn a lot from the trees. ...